a new version of Georges Feydeau's farce by David Ives, directed by Tony & Eric Bosco-Schmidt
"A Flea In Her Ear" has been named the greatest of French farces and perhaps the greatest farce ever written! With suspicion, intrigue, jealosy, mistaken identities, misunderstandings, confusion, slamming doors, and revolving beds - "A Flea In Her Ear" is non-stop action & laughs! The talented cast includes Gus Bottazzi, Rebecca Annalise, Anya Nardone, Colin McLoone, Liam McGrath, Andres Idrovo, Daniel J Mulvihill Jr, Desi Kelley, Vincent D'Ambrosio, Rick Stewart, Jon Barker, Dean Alexander, Michele Rosa, and Maya Bosco-Schmidt.
Shows are Feb. 21-March 15 on Fri. & Sat. at 8 pm, Sun. at 2 pm. Reserved seating tickets are $25 adults/$20 students and seniors.
Free preview on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 8 pm for area senior citizens.
Brookfield Theatre's 2025 Season is made possible with the support of the Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of Arts; Support has also been provided to Brookield Theatre from CT Humanities (CTH), with funding provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature; Along with the generous donations of our many supporters and subscribers.
Donate via LUDUS:
Brookfield Theatre & Miss Beth's Youth Spotlight present
For students ages 7 through 17—It's a hard knock life for Annie and the orphans in this much loved musical tale. Class size is limited.
Classes begin on Saturday, February, 2025 and rehearsals will be held Wednesday from 4 pm to 6 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm. Show dates are June 6, 7 & 8.
Tuition is $385 per student and scholarships are available on request. Show tickets are $15 general/$10 students & seniors
Spotlight is a theatre program for youth ages 7 to 17 led by Beth Bonnabeau. The teen program is designed for high school and college students. It is underwritten by Brookfield Theatre to keep costs low and to make theatre education accessible to all.
Beth has been a childrens theatre educator/director since the early 90's. She received her BA in Theatre in 1989 from SUNY Plattsburgh where she served as President of Alpha Psi Omega, a National Theatre Honors Fraternity, and Vice President of the College Theatre Association. Beth discovered her passion for childrens theatre early. She taught and directed at many local theatres, schools and dance studios and is thrilled to be bringing her very specific skill set to Brookfield Theatre. Beth is known for creating safe spaces for children to express themselves and discover the joys of being part of a family of actors . . . a "no judgement zone" where young people are free to stretch their imaginations and creativity to the max!
Current Covid-19 protocols will be adhered to by our fully vaccinated staff. For more information, please email: brookfieldtheatrect@gmail.com
The Brookfield Theatre for the Arts, Inc. is an all volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing quality live performances and creative opportunities, rooted in cultural equity, to the Brookfield region. The regular season of shows is chosen to provide a meaningful and entertaining experience that will appeal to a wide ranging audience. Additional workshops and special events are added throughout the year. The Spotlight Program is a low-cost learning experience for young performers. It includes free mentorships for student directors and tuition assistance as needed. Along with live & virtual performances, Brookfield Theatre offers a gallery space for area artists to show their work and provide more depth to the cultural experience. We finish the year with our annual Paddy Awards to honor and thank our supporters and volunteers!
For more information, visit the ABOUT page
To apply for Brookfield Theatre's annual college scholarship for students studying theatre arts, please download the Scholarship Application
Brookfield Theatre announces open auditions for
Brookfield Theatre announces open auditions for August Wilson's "Radio Golf" to be held on Sunday March 2 and Monday March 3 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the theatre located at 184 Whisconier Road (Rt 25) in Brookfield, just behind Brookfield Library.
Radio Golf, August Wilson's last play, is also the last play chronologically in The American Century Cycle. In the play we find Harmond Wilks, a man who discovers both himself and the place that birthed him at a crossroads. On the verge of an almost-guaranteed win as a mayoral candidate, Wilks finds his identity shaken when his morals and ideals are questioned by those around him. Ultimately, he must recognize what the price of his success is and decide whether he is willing to pay it.
CASTING: 4m/1f Black actors, ages 25 and older. Age ranges will depend on matching cast mates — bring a friend to audition!
ELDER JOSEPH “OLD JOE” BARLOW (40+ m) Recently returned to the Hill District where he was born in 1918. Although ostensibly as harmless as he is homespun, his temperament belies a life checkered by run-ins with the law and a series of wives. He sees and calls things plainly, requires little and seeks only harmony.
HARMOND WILKS (30-50 m) Real-estate developer seeking mayoral candidacy. He grew up a privileged and responsible son of the Hill District and intends to bring the neighborhood back from urban blight through gentrification, while making a fortune in the process. He cares about the city of Pittsburgh, the neighborhood and its people, but is caught between what is politically expedient and what is morally and ethically just.
ROOSEVELT HICKS (30-50 m) Bank vice president and avid golfer, as well as Harmond’s business partner and college roommate. Roosevelt is preoccupied with his financial status and getting green time. He values the end result of a transaction more than the practical or spiritual virtues of a job well done. Had he any time for self-reflection, he might describe himself favorably as a consummate materialist and conspicuous consumer.
MAME WILKS (30-50 f) Harmond’s wife of more than twenty years and a professional public relations representative. She is focused on Harmond’s success, as well as her own, and confident that she has the proper plan to achieve both. Firm, independent and ambitious, her love of and belief in her husband are tested by his struggle to stay focused and on message.
STERLING JOHNSON (40+ m) Self-employed contractor and neighborhood handyman who robbed a bank thirty years ago. Sterling and Harmond attended the same parochial school as boys, but the economically disadvantaged Sterling chose in youthful recklessness to rob a bank rather than build one. Now an older, reformed pragmatist, Sterling finds pride in his work and in his independence.
Brookfield Theatre's audition form may be filled out on-line at https://brookfieldtheatre.org/#audition or download a pdf at https://brookfieldtheatre.org/BTheatre_Audition.pdf Audition forms will also be available at the theatre.
The Brookfield Theatre for the Arts, Inc. is an all volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing quality live performances and creative opportunities, rooted in cultural equity, to the Brookfield region. No experience is necessary and all are welcome to audition. Brookfield Theatre follows current Covid CDC guidelines - vaccination is recommended by not required. Questions? BrookfieldTheatreCT@gmail.com
Brookfield Theatre's audition form may be filled out on-line at https://bit.ly/bt-audition or download a pdf at https://brookfieldtheatre.org/BTheatre_Audition.pdf
Audition forms will also be available at the theatre.
For more information, email BrookfieldTheatreCT@gmail.com
See you at auditions!
Brookfield Theatre is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer non-profit arts organization dedicated to producing the highest quality live quality live performances and creative opportunities, rooted in cultural equity, to the Brookfield region. No experience is necessary and all are welcome to audition. We strongly encourage performers of all backgrounds, identities, and abilities to audition for our shows.
For more information on any of our programs and events or for any special requests, please contact us.
Our historic building is located on Route 25
184 Whisconier Rd, Brookfield
adjacent to the Brookfield Library.
The original home of the Paugussett and the historic center of colonial Brookfield, it remains a place for gathering together and creating community.